Nature’s Harvest is a one-stop total dog food solution offering wet, mixer, treats and raw-made-easy cold-pressed recipes across all dog breeds and all life stages.

All Nature’s Harvest ranges are 100% natural, hypoallergenic, complete and supplemented for bone and joint health. Nature’s Harvest is made in the UK.

We are also real people (and dogs)!

Kiki Clark - Chief Tasting Officer Kiki Clark - I am Chief Tasting Officer. I have a bigger photo than everyone else because I am Top Dog. Nothing gets past me. I keep my Mum (Chieko) and everyone else in Nature's Harvest on their toes!
Chieko Chester - CEO Nature's Harvest Chieko Chester - I make sure that everyone in the office is happy and has enough coffee to keep them going! I also oversee the general running of the company and look after the Nature's Harvest brand. 
Wendy Heasman - Executive Assistant
Wendy Heasman - I make sure that everyone is actually doing what they should be doing, when they say they will do it! I am a multi-tasking ninja.