Bring your dog to work day

After all those bizarre “official” days in the year that we have to entertain (prime examples: “Learn your name in Morse Code Day” – January 11th, and “National Windmill Day” – second Saturday in May**) FINALLY, there’s an event we can all really get behind! This year, Bring Your Dog to Work Day falls on Friday 21st June.

Organised by ethical dog grooming company HOWND, this is the sixth national event of its kind, and this year will raise money for the dog rescue charity All Dogs Matter, and international charity Animals Asia.

How to Take Part

Businesses are invited to join in the event by encouraging their employees to bring in their dogs. They can become an ‘official sponsor’ of Bring Your Dog to Work Day by making a donation online on the event website

If you are a company you can upload your company logo to the website, or as an individual taking part you can upload a dogfie (N.B. “dogfie = dog selfie. NHHQ – this word isn’t really doing it for us. Does anyone have a better suggestion? Let us know…)

Why Take Part?

At NHHQ we are not sure that we need to even consider this as a query, but – thorough, painstaking number-crunchers that we are – we thought we would back up what we know in our hearts to be a fantastic idea with empirical research (already conducted by actual scientists) and present this to you.

Employee productivity and wellbeing.

Scientific studies have concluded that the presence of pets can substantially reduce a person’s stress level in the workplace. Increased job satisfaction, team co-operation and morale have all been reported in employees that spend the workday with their pets.

So! In addition to raising funds for superb animal charities, and giving you the perfect excuse to spend the whole day with your best friend, Bring Your Dog to Work Day will (probably) boost productivity and happiness of the employees within the company. BOOM.

The best news of all is that Bring Your Dog to Work day falls on summer solstice – the day with the most amount of daylight in the year – which means that even after spending a productive and fun day with your dog at work, you still have time for a long walk together before dusk and be comfortably home in time for Love Island. Did we say Love Island? We meant comfortably home to catch up on the Tory Leadership battle.

It is worth mentioning that June 21st is also “International Yoga Day” so, if you are a yoga instructor, you can down dog and up dog WITH your dog in all the daylight hours in some kind of never-ending mega-celebration which is definitely worth a slice of (quinoa) cake.

Last year #BringYourDogToWorkDay was trending at #1 on Twitter so don’t forget to spread the word to your friends and family on social media and tag us too please @NaturesHarvestPet so we can share in the collective joy of a day that unapologetically celebrates our doggos.

** These are genuine “days”. NHHQ did NOT make them up. You can check.

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